นำทางบันทึก : 10 Businesses That Will Remain In Demand Post-Pandemic
Here's is the list and of 10 Businesses that Will Remain In Demand after pandemic
1.At home fitness
Since the fitness is closed during the pandemic, more people get intesrested in fitness equipment that can be used at home. After they have been using for a while it has become one of their routines so these products and classes will stay in long term.
During the pandemic, people need to work from home and course there are so many problems you find while working at home and one of those problems are security. We will never know that our business information are safe.
so most of thses companies fixed this problem by using cybersecurity, and some companies will continue allowing employees to work from home even after the pandemic, so this business will remain.
Most stores right now still limit the amount of people in the store, so online shopping gets even more popular during pandemic.
4.Fast-food franchises
Some fast food franchises adapted to consumer behavior after pandemic for example in-app ordering, drive trough to avoid contacting with others
5.Food delivery
Right now during the pandemic, you can't go and eat out, so most of the time people have to eat at home.
People get bored of staying home during pandemic and needs something to entertain themselves, and game is a good choice because it is easy to access.
7.Home improvement
Now most of the time we have to stay home, so you would need a comfortable place to stay during pandemic for 24 hours.
8.Remote work softwear
Even after the pandemic ends, not all employees that will returnr to office after found out that work from home makes things a lot more easy, many companies has started to invest in softwears that conect employees who work from home easier.
Why should we go to hospital and waste our time waiting at the hospital and on the road just to meet the docter that just dispense some medicine for you(in case you don't need to do anything else).
10.Virtual events
During the pandemic you can't meet each other so here's the way out virtual events!

by Numthang on Jul 29, 2021

Posted in ร่องรอยการเรียนรู้

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